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Discover Solar Energy and Learn to Deploy a PV System

Professional Certificate in
Solar Energy

What you will learn

  • Design a complete photovoltaic system for any particular application and location.
  • Reflect on the role of solar energy in both the energy transition towards a sustainable future and climate change mitigation.
  • Understand the physical working principles of photovoltaic energy conversion in solar cells.
  • Recognize and describe the various photovoltaic technologies and evaluate their applicability using various metrics related to performance, costs, reliability and circularity of PV.
  • Gain knowledge that will empower you to contribute to your local community, including integration of large scale utility and residential solar electricity in the grid for clean and sustainable energy solutions.
  • Learn about improving energy access by last mile electrification of rural regions using autonomous photovoltaic-battery systems.
Expert instruction
3 skill-building courses
Progress at your own speed
3 months
4 - 6 hours per week
Discounted price: $537.30
Pre-discounted price: $597USD
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. DelftX's Solar Energy Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Delft University of Technology (DelftX)

Thierry de Vrijer
Dr. Ir.
Delft University of Technology
Arno Smets
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Delft University of Technology

Experts from DelftX committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price: $537.30
Pre-discounted price: $597USD
3 courses in 3 months
Pursue the Program

Also in Engineering at edX


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