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Vaibhav Chhabra

Founder Maker's Asylum at Maker's Asylum, a FabLab in Mumbai

About me

Vaibhav is a mechanical engineer by profession but a carpenter by passion. A graduate from Boston University, Vaibhav spent 2 years of his career at EyeNetra, a startup from MIT media labs, building eye diagnostic devices. A few years ago, when he moved to Mumbai, Vaibhav began ‘Makers Asylum.’ He essentially coupled his degree with his passion to create the first community Makerspace in India. He is also the Chair for innovation and entrepreneurship at Young Indians – Confederation of Indian Industries and a Global Shaper at the World Economic Forum. He recently started the STEAM school in collaboration with the French embassy in India, that focuses on project based learning to work on the sustainable development goals. He enjoys making furniture, photography and winning at ping pong.