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Director at Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford
Tim is Director of the Transport Studies Unit, Associate Professor of Transport Studies in the School of Geography and Environment, and Fellow at St Anne's College. He joined the Transport Studies Unit (TSU) in March 2009 and became Director in September 2015. Before coming to Oxford he worked as a lecturer in urban geography at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. At that university he also completed his PhD dissertation (2003, cum laude) and MSc dissertation (1999, cum laude). Since July 2016 he has been a Visiting Professor of Human Geography at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Tim's research concentrates on the geographies of the everyday mobilities of people, goods and information. It is international in outlook, interdisciplinary in scope, informed by the thinking in various sub-disciplines within Geography, and organised around five more general concerns: - Low-carbon mobilities and cities - innovation and experimentation, politics and governance, justice; - Futures and temporality - sociotechnical transitions, path dependency, habit, rhythm, resilience, vulnerability; - Social and spatial inequality - age, gender, the role of mobility and infrastructure; - Well-being - conceptualisations, relationships with mobility and place, politics; - Philosophy of transport and mobility - history of thought and praxis, new concepts and modes of thinking.