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Course Coordinator and Module 1 and 2 Author at International Monetary Fund
Tamas Gaidosch joined the IMF in 2017 as Senior Financial Sector Expert in the Financial Regulation and Supervision Division. His responsibilities include designing and rolling out IMF’s global Cyber Risk Technical Assistance program for financial sector regulatory and supervisory authorities, participating in financial sector surveillance, developing policy recommendations, and representing IMF on cybersecurity matters in international standard setting bodies. Before joining the IMF Tamas was in charge for IT Supervision at the Central Bank of Hungary (2015-2017) where he led the policy development and compliance assurance work regarding IT and cybersecurity in the financial sector of the country, including banking, insurance and securities industries. Prior to that position Tamas was a partner at Deloitte (2013-2014) being in charge for the firm’s Enterprise Risk Services in Central Europe. Earlier he worked at KPMG (1999-2013) in several Risk Consulting managerial and leadership roles, finally as Head of Risk Consulting in Hungary. Tamas started his career at IBM (1994-1999) as a system architect focused on electronic banking and security solutions for the financial sector. He holds a Ms. C. degree in Computer Science, is an Executive MBA (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), a Certified Information System Auditor (CISA), a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), and a Certified Information Security Professional (CISSP). He co-authored two books on networking technologies and their security aspects and contributed to the development of ISACA’s CISM Review Manual.