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Stephen Curran

Software Development and DevOps Veteran at Cloud Compass Computing, Inc.

About me

Stephen Curran of Cloud Compass Computing, Inc. is a Software Development and DevOps veteran who dove full on into the identity-on-blockchain world in 2017. Working with the British Columbia Government, Stephen helped define, build and launch the Verifiable Organizations Network (VON)—a production instance of the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Aries, AnonCreds, and Indy projects that makes public information about organizations (incorporations/legal entities) in BC available in the form of verifiable credentials. He contributes to the Hyperledger Identity projects by moving forward open specifications, protocols, and open source code to enable important, privacy-protecting identity solutions. Stephen is a regular contributor in the Hyperledger community, facilitating discussions and driving interoperability. He has presented on the Aries, AnonCreds, and Indy projects many times, is a member of Hyperledger Technical Oversight Committee, and is on the Sovrin Foundation’s Board of Trustees and Technical Governance Board.