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Dr. at Delft University of Technology
Simon Tindemans is an Assistant Professor in the Intelligent Electrical Power Grids Group at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science of Delft University of Technology. He previously worked as a Research Fellow and Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at Imperial College London, UK. He obtained his PhD degree from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, for research in the domain of theoretical biophysics, undertaken at AMOLF in Amsterdam.
In his research, Simon investigates statistical approaches to risk management for power systems – at the intersection of electrical engineering, (computational) statistics and computer science. He is an active member in several IEEE task forces and working groups under the Risk, Reliability and Probability Applications Subcommittee of the IEEE Power and Energy Society.
He is a lecturer on courses on uncertainty modeling and risk assessment of electrical power grids, and on the use of machine learning methods for the operation and planning of energy systems. He is an advocate of open science (open access, open data and open source).