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Associate Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shinsuke Miyajima is an Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech). He received his B.E., M.E. and D. Eng. from Tokyo Tech in 2001, 2003, and 2005. After finishing his dissertation, he worked at Tokyo Tech as an assistant professor. In 2010, he moved to University of Stuttgart where he worked as a researcher in Institute of Photovoltaics. In 2012, he joined the faculty at Tokyo Tech as an associate professor of department of physical electronics. Since then he has been actively involved in research of optoelectronic materials and their application to energy conversion and transmission. 宮島晋介
東京工業大学・電気電子系 准教授。東京工業大学より、学士(工学)、修士(工学)および博士(工学)の学位を2001年、2003年および2005年に取得。その後、助手/助教として東京工業大学で教育・研究に従事。2010年にドイツ・シュトゥットガルトに移り、研究員としてシリコン太陽電池の研究に従事。2012年に東京工業大学・電子物理工学専攻 准教授に着任。2016年より現職。主な研究テーマは、光電変換材料、光電変換素子を用いたエネルギー変換・伝送。