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Better futures start here. Save up to 30% for International Women's Day with code IWDEDX25 through March 26. Learn more.
Santiago Fretes
Senior Operations Associate at the Country Department Southern Cone at Inter-American Development Bank
About me
Santiago holds a Master of Business Administration degree with an emphasis on Marketing from INCAE Business School in Costa Rica, where he graduated with distinction. He has a Specialization in Project Management for Development certified by Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, and Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil. Santiago also has a Diploma in Public-Private Partnerships for the Development of Infrastructure and Services taught by Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico, in partnership with the IDB. Santiago has been a professor of Finance and International Marketing in Master’s degree programs in Paraguay. He is a PMP candidate and a staff member certified by the IDB as risk management advisor and kick-off workshop facilitator.
Santiago has extensive experience in planning and supervising sovereign-guaranteed operations, managing development projects, and working with multilateral lending organizations in general. He has worked in the private sector, heading digital marketing and communications consultancies. Santiago has also worked in the public sector and he has been part of executing units for projects financed by multilateral organizations.