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Roger Jeffery

Professor at The University of Edinburgh

Major works

Jeffery, R., Yang, A.L., Raghuram, N., Adhya, T.K., Khaleel, Z. 2021. South Asian Regional Cooperation on Sustainable Nitrogen Management: Nitrogen Pollution in South Asia: Scientific Evidence, Current Initiatives and Policy Landscape. SANH Policy Paper, PP1: http://www.sacep.org/pdf/Reports-Technical/SANH_SACEP-Policy-report_draft-as-of-6-April-2021.pdf]

Jeffery, R. 2022. ‘Health policy and federalism in India’ Territory, Politics, Governance, 10, 1 (67-85), doi: 10.1080/21622671.2021.1899976

Jullien, C., Jeffery, R. 2022. ‘Becoming a mother in COVID-19: Adjustments in performing motherhood.’ Medicine, Anthropology, Theory, 9 (2) 1-27.

About me

Professor Roger Jeffery has conducted a variety of research projects in India and elsewhere in South Asia, including research in village and small-town north India looking at how religious group membership and caste interrelate with childbearing, fertility behaviour, gender politics and schooling, in the context of agrarian change and the decline of the state. From 1996-1999 he was PI on a research project investigating Joint Forest Management in four Indian states. Since 2012 he has been involved in a series of projects on contemporary issues in public health in India and elsewhere. He has recently extended his research interests to include (a) environmental policy-making in South Asia; (b) the effects of India on Edinburgh, and more broadly, on Scotland, in the long 19th century, and the implications for contemporary Scottish society, culture and politics. He was Dean International for South Asia from 2011-2015. He is Co-lead of Research Programme 1 and of Work Package 1.1 for the GCRF UKRI South Asia Nitrogen Hub (SANH) project.