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Dr. ir. at Delft University of Technology
Robin works as an assistant professor at the Reactor Institute Delft of the TU Delft, where her research focuses on using radionuclides for medical applications. This means that she works on developing new production routes for radionuclides using our nuclear reactor, investigating their potential as radiopharmaceutical for cancer therapy, and using radiotracers to study the bioavailability and metabolism of essential minerals. She also finished her PhD at the TU Delft, but worked at Argonne National Laboratory in the USA for her postdoctoral research afterwards.
Robin currently teaches the course Introduction to Process Technology in the bachelor program Molecular Science and Technology as well as a couple of courses about radioactivity in the master program Chemical Engineering.
I’m excited to be part of the Pre-University Chemistry MOOC, and help students that are about to start university to refresh their chemistry knowledge and better prepare them for their further studies!