About me
Robert Garland is the Roy D. and Margaret B. Wooster Professor of the Classics at Colgate University, where he has taught since 1986. A British citizen by birth, he obtained his B.A. from Manchester University, his M.A. from McMaster University, and his Ph.D. from University College London. He is a Fulbright Scholar, a former Junior Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington D.C., a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and former Benjamin-Meaker Distinguished Professor at Bristol University. As a historian of Greece and Rome, he has published numerous books, including The Greek Way of Death, The Piraeus, The Greek Way of Life, Introducing New Gods, Religion and the Greeks, The Eye of the Beholder: Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-Roman World, Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks, Celebrity and the Greeks, Julius Caesar, Surviving Greek Tragedy, and Hannibal. His most recent book is Wandering Greeks, published by Princeton University Press (2014), an investigation of refugees and other displaced persons in the Greek world. He has produced two lecture series for the Great Courses, namely Greece and Rome: An Integrated History of the Ancient Mediterranean and The Other Side of History. He has also appeared on the History Channel. He has a deep interest in the theater and has produced several Greek plays at Colgate. He is committed to the notion that the study of the ancient world is an invaluable resource for understanding the modern world. Neither a presentist nor a historicist, he believes that antiquity and modernity are in constant dialogue with one other. He considers himself privileged to have been able to explore his passion with some remarkable students in an ideal setting at Colgate University, but he is no less committed to the belief that scholars in the Humanities have a duty to reach out to a wider public. It is with that purpose and motivation in mind that he undertook to prepare Greeks at War.