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Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi

Department of Computer Science at Columbia University

Columbia University

Areas of expertise

  • - - Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • - - Medical informatics
  • - - Computer science

Major works

Ansaf has published several peer-reviewed papers in high quality journals, conferences and books including TPAMI, JMLR, ECML, PKDD, COLT, IJCAI, ECAI, AISTAT and machine learning in healthcare MUCMD. She recently received a National Science Foundation (NSF) award to study the prediction of preterm birth, and a grant from Pearson Education to advance research on online self-learning. She co-authored the open source software QuantMiner for mining quantitative association rules used by professionals and in academia.

About me

Ansaf is a Lecturer in discipline of the Computer Science Department at the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Columbia University. She received her her BS in Computer Science in 1996 from the University of Science and Technology (USTHB), Algeria. She earned her masters and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Orleans (France) in 1999 and 2003 respectively.