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Instructor photo

Makoto Yokohari

Professor of the School of Engineering at The University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo

Areas of expertise

  • - Landscape planning
  • - Ecological planning

Major works

  • Yokohari, M, Takeuchi, K, Watanabe, T and Yokota, S (2008): Beyond Greenbelts and Zoning: A new planning concept for the environment of Asian mega-cities. Marzluff, J.M. et al (edit): Urban Ecology, Springer, 783-796
  • Yokohari, M, Amati, M, Bolthouse, J, and Kurita, H (2010): Restoring agricultural landscapes in shrinking cities: re-inventing traditional concepts in Japanese Planning. Swaffield, S. and Primdahl, J. (eds): Globalization and Agricultural Landscapes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 225-244.

Social links

About me

Makoto Yokohari is Professor of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. He received his Bachelor Degree (1984), Master Degree (1986) and PhD (2002) from the University of Tokyo.

Courses and Programs taught by Makoto Yokohari