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Assistant Professor of Dutch Literature at KU Leuven
Lieke van Deinsen holds a BA in Dutch Language and Culture (2009) and an MPhil in Literary, Cultural and Historical Studies (2011) from the Radboud University (The Netherlands). Currently, she works a tenure track assistant professor at KULeuven on the BOFZAP-project “Facing Diversity. Author Portraits and the Construction of Female Intellectual Authority in Early Modern Europe, 1550-1800". Lieke is also a guest researcher of the KNAW NL-Lab team, an interdisciplinary research group focused on Netherlandish identity and culture.
In her interdisciplinary research Lieke combines a strong background in textual and literary analysis with a specialization in material and visual cultures, while utilizing new, digital methods. This becomes clear in her two books, her dissertation on processes of historical literary canon formation published as Literaire erflaters. Canonvorming in tijden van culturele crisis (Verloren 2017). As Johan Huizinga Fellow, Lieke wrote the first volume for the Rijksmuseum Studies in History series: The Panpoëticon Batavûm. The Portrait of the Author as a Celebrity (Rijksmuseum 2016).
Lieke is member of the board of the Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Werkgroep 18e Eeuw), the Young Academy Flanders, and co-coordinator of the Research Network “Women Writers in History”. She is also part of the Commissie Taal- en Letterkunde van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde and sits on the editorial board of multiple scientific journals, including Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde (TNTL) and Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC). She is also actively involved in various initiatives that make historical research accessible to the wider public, for instance by helping to revise and renew, an educative website for schools. Furthermore, she is editor-in-chief of, a website that digitally reconstructs the contents of the eighteenth-century Panpoëticon Batavûm, one of the first canonization initiatives of Dutch literature. In addition, Lieke has been guest-curator of exhibitions in the Allard Pierson Museum (Amsterdam) and Teylers Museum (Haarlem).