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Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at KU Leuven
Kurt Willems (°1982) graduated in 2005 with a master's degree in law after having studied at the KU Leuven and Sheffield University. In 2011 he obtained a doctorate in law from the KU Leuven with a thesis entitled "De natuurlijke verbintenis" ('The natural obligation' - obligatio naturalis).
From 2011 to 2014 he worked at Eubelius where he worked on a wide range of civil law, administrative law and commercial law cases in the firm's litigation department. He is presently teaching education law at the University of Leuven. He is also responsible for the teacher training program and assists the rectory in education dossiers.
His current research deals with various aspects of education law, with a particular focus on the contractualization of the educational relationship and the legalization of the educational field.
Kurt Willems is the author of various contributions in Belgian and international journals and books. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal Deontologie & Tuchtrecht (Flemish leading journal on deontology and disciplinary procedures), the Journal for Education law and policy (Tijdschrift voor onderwijsrecht en – beleid - TORB) and NJW (Nieuw Juridisch Weekblad). Professor Willems is also judge in the Appeal Chamber for disciplinary measures against educators of subsidized non-state schools (Kamer van beroep voor de personeelsleden van het gesubsidieerd vrij onderwijs) and substitute judge in the Appeal Chamber for disciplinary measures against educators of state schools. He is also one of the directors of ELA – the European education law association.