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Kent-Man CHU

Clinical Professor at The University of Hong Kong

Areas of expertise

  • - Endoscopy and surgery for the upper gastrointestinal tract

About me

Kent-Man Chu is Professor of Surgery, Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Director of the Surgical Endoscopy Service, and Director of the Centre for Education and Training, in the Department of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong at Queen Mary Hospital. He was the Chief of the Division of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery until its merge with the Division of Esophageal Surgery. He obtained his undergraduate medical degree from The University of Hong Kong in 1987.

His main clinical and research interests are on peptic ulcer diseases, gastric tumours, endoscopy and surgery for the upper gastrointestinal tract, and surgical education. He pioneered the use of intracorporeal hand-sewn suture anastomosis after laparoscopic gastrectomy.

Courses and Programs taught by Kent-Man CHU