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Jennifer Widner

Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Director of Innovations for Successful Societies at Princeton University

Princeton University

About me

Jennifer Widner is Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University. She is Director of Innovations for Successful Societies, a research program on institution building and institutional reform. Before joining the Princeton faculty, she taught at Harvard and the University of Michigan. She is author of Building the Rule of Law (W. W. Norton), a study of courts and law in Africa, and she has published articles on a variety of topics in Democratization, Comparative Politics, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Development Studies, The William & Mary Law Review, Daedalus, the American Journal of International Law, and other publications. She is completing work on a book about making government work in challenging settings, drawing on experiences in Africa, Asia, and parts of Latin America. She holds a Ph.D. from Yale University.