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Dr. Ir. Henk Ritzema

Associate Professor Water Resources Management at Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Drainage
  • - Agricultural water management
  • - Irrigation
  • - Salinity
  • - Farmers participation
  • - Civil and hydraulic engineering
  • - Hydrology
  • - Irrigation and drainage
  • - Land development
  • - Capacity building
  • - Developing countries
  • - Development cooperation
  • - Research coordination
  • - Water reuse
  • - Hydraulic engineering
  • - Integrated water management
  • - International education
  • - Knowledge transfer
  • - Water management
  • - Water quality

Major works

Courses and Programs taught by Dr. Ir. Henk Ritzema

Publications by dr.ir. HP (Henk) Ritzema

Alternate wetting and drying for different subsurface drainage systems to improve paddy yield and water productivity in Iran. Darzi-Naftchal, A., Ritzema, H. , Karandis, F., Mokhtassi-Bidgol, A., Ghasemi-Nasr, M. (2017). Agricultural Water Management 193: 221-231. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2017.08.018.

Drain for Gain: Managing salinity in irrigated lands. Ritzema, H.P. (2016). Agricultural Water Management 176: 1828

Canal blocking strategies for hydrological restoration of degraded tropical peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ritzema, H.P. , Limin, S., Kusin, K., Jauhiainen, J., Wösten, H. (2014). Catena 114: 11 - 20

Drainage principles and applications. H.P. Ritzema (Editor-in-Chief) (2006). ILRI Publication 16 of which more than 2000 copies have been sold worldwide.

About me

Henk Ritzema is Associate Professor at the Water Resources Management Chair Group of Wageningen University. He obtained his MSc. in Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology in 1980. In 2009, he obtained his PhD Drain for gain: making water management worth its salts from Wageningen University and UNESCO-IHE Delft.

He has thirty-nine years of experience in water management and hydrology for food and ecosystems. The first ten years he worked abroad: in Fiji (1980-1981), Kenya (1982-1983) and Egypt (1984-1988). In 1989, he joined Alterra-ILRI, Wageningen University and Research Centre at Senior Researcher involved in research, training and consultancy. In 2008, he joined the Water Resources Management Group of Wageningen University.

He is Editor-in-Chief of ILRIs Publication 16 Drainage Principles and Applications and co-author of ILRI Publication 60 Subsurface Drainage Practices. He was program leader in capacity building projects, including curriculum development, in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa and Yemen.

He was the coordinator of Alterra-ILRIs regular training programs and various regular and tailor-made courses held in the Netherlands (UNESCO-IHE) and abroad (e.g. in China, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Africa, Tunisia and Yemen).

He was research leader of programs on the improvement of waterlogged and salt-affected lands in Egypt, India, and coastal lowlands in Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. Consultancy activities on water management for food and ecosystems include missions to China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, The Gambia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, Surinam, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. Henk Ritzema has published over 160 articles, books and reports and is a regular invited speaker at international conferences and courses.