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Guest speaker: Dr. Charles Hing-Chiu Chang

Research Assistant Professor at The University of Hong Kong

About me

Dr. Hing-Chiu Chang received his PhD degree in Biomedical Electronics from the National Taiwan University in 2012, and completed his postdoc training at Duke University Medical Center. He is currently a research assistant professor at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong Kong. Before joining the academia, he worked in a medical imaging industry and developed prototype magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) software for research purpose. His research interests include image reconstruction and artifact reduction for fast MRI technique, especially for multi-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI). He has pioneered several 2D and 3D multi-shot EPI techniques to enable high-resolution and time-efficient brain diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI), such as 2D DTI based on multi-band interleaved EPI with multiplexed sensitivity encoding (MB-MUSE), 3D DTI based on interleaved EPI acquisition and multiplexed sensitivity encoding and reconstruction (3D-MUSER), self-calibrated and collaborative Propeller-EPI Reconstruction (SCOPER), etc. To date, he has published 45 peer-reviewed papers and near 100 international conference papers. He also serves as review editor for Radiation Oncology, and reviewer for several international journals in medical imaging.