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Lead Organisation at The University of Iceland

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About me

GRÓ’s mission is to strengthen individual, organisational and institutional, capacities in developing and conflict/post-conflict countries to deliver development results in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This work is carried out through capacity development training programmes with a focus on four thematic areas: The Fisheries Training Programme (FTP), the Geothermal Training Programme (GTP) promoting the utilisation and sustainable management of reliable, economically viable, and environmentally sound geothermal energy resources, the Land Restoration Training Programme (LRT), and finally the Gender Equality Studies and Training Programme (GEST) which promotes gender equality, women’s empowerment and social justice.

The GRÓ Centre’s core funding is provided by the Government of Iceland as part of the official development assistance budget, managed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation. In addition to the core funding, external funding is obtained by GRÓ, mainly through counterpart contributions from partner institutions, grants and by participation in international projects.

Courses and Programs taught by GRÓ GEST