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Gautam Kaul

Professor of Finance, Ross School of Business at University of Michigan

University of Michigan

Areas of expertise

  • - ​Stocks & Bond Markets
  • - Sustainability & Finance
  • - Financial Econometrics

Major works

"Value versus Glamour” (with Jennifer Conrad and Michael Cooper), Journal of Finance
“An Anatomy of Trading Strategies” (with Jennifer Conrad), Review of Financial Studies

Social links

About me

Gautam Kaul is a Professor of Finance and the Fred M. Taylor Professor of Business at the Ross School of Business (RSB), University of Michigan. Gautam has a Ph.D. from the Booth School of Business, University of Chicago and has published extensively in the top journals in Finance on topics covering a wide spectrum. He was awarded the Senior Faculty Research Award for sustained, exceptional, and continuing contributions to scholarly research in the field of business, and noteworthy contributions to building and maintaining a strong research environment at RSB. Gautam has taught undergraduates, MBAs, Ph.Ds., and executives all over the world, and has been awarded multiple teaching excellence awards, including the 2009 Victor L. Bernard Leadership in Teaching Award. Most recently, Gautam has been involved with digital education and has offered graduate level Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the past four years to over one million learners worldwide. He currently also serves as the Special Counsel for Digital Education and Innovator in Residence at the University of Michigan and heads the Fast Track in Finance program at RSB.