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Ellen Slegers

Assistant Professor Operations Research and Logistics at Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Biobased Economy
  • - Biotechnology
  • - Food and Bioprocess Engineering
  • - Logistics
  • - Bioprocess engineering
  • - Decision models
  • - Algae
  • - Linear programming
  • - Operations research
  • - Process optimization
  • - Scenario analysis
  • - Sustainability indicators
  • - Life cycle assessment

Major works

Courses and Programs taught by Ellen Slegers

Publications by dr.ir. PM (Ellen) Slegers

Maize feedstocks with improved digestibility reduce the costs and environmental impacts of biomass pretreatment and saccharification. Torres Salvador, A.F. ; Slegers, Ellen ; Noordam-Boot, C.M.M. ; Dolstra, O. ; Vlaswinkel, L. ; Boxtel, A.J.B. van; Visser, R.G.F. ; Trindade, L.M. (2016). Biotechnology for Biofuels, 9(63)

The potential of optimized process design to advance LCA performance of algae production systems. Boxtel, A.J.B. van; Perez-Lopez, P. ; Breitmayer, E. ; Slegers , P.M. (2015). Applied Energy, 154

Logistic analysis of algae cultivation. Slegers, P.M. ; Leduc, S. ; Wijffels, R.H. ; van Straten, G. ; van Boxtel, A.J.B. (2015). Bioresource Technology, 179 - p. 314 - 322

A model-based combinatorial optimisation approach for energy-efficient processing of microalgae. Slegers, P.M. ; Koetzier, B.J. ; Fasaei, F. ; Wijffels, R.H. ; Straten, G. van; Boxtel, A.J.B. van (2014). Algal Research, 5 ;p. 140 - 157.

Food commodities from microalgae. Draaisma, R.B. ; Wijffels, R.H. ; Slegers, P.M. ; Brentner, L.B. ; Roy, A. ; Barbosa, M.J. (2013). Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 24 (2) - p. 169 - 177.

Social links

About me

Dr. ir. PM Slegers works on research projects that focus on integrated sustainable biorefineries. This work includes modelling the processing of algae biomass into various products and logistics. Furthermore, she’s involved in the development and teaching of the course Sustainability Analysis.

Ellen Slegers is a scientist working on sustainable chains with the two focus areas:

  • Identifying and studying sustainable biobased and circular chains
  • Quantifying and optimising sustainability performance during early design stages of (process) chains.

Core of expertise is developing simulation and optimisation models that quantitatively address the sustainability performance. In such models principles from operations management systems analysis, process engineering, and sustainability analysis (e.g. LCA) are combined. My research interest is for, but not limited to, the research fields biobased economy, biotechnology, and circular chains.

In January 2019 Ellen became Associate Editor of the Elsevier journal Algal Research (focus area LCA,TE,optimisation)