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Instructor photo

Eleanor Sandry

Lecturer in Internet Studies at Curtin University

Curtin University

Areas of expertise

  • - - Communication theory
  • - - Human-technology interactions
  • - - Human-machine communication

Major works

  • Robots and Communication, book published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2015.

Social links

About me

Eleanor is a Senior Lecturer in Internet Studies at Curtin University. Her first degree was in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University. More recently, she completed a Masters in Communication Studies followed by a PhD in Communication and Cultural Studies at the University of Western Australia. Her research uses a range of communication theories and philosophies of technology to drive analyses of human-technology interactions and relations. She is particularly interested in the ways human-robot communication, where robots need not be humanlike in form, behaviour or intelligence, can support collaboration between humans and robots to complete joint tasks in the home, at work or in social spaces.