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Instructor photo

Dov Dori

Professor at IsraelX


Major works

Dov Dori, Model-Based Systems Engineering with OPM and SysML, Springer, New York, 2016 (Foreword by Edward Crawley. Hard cover, 419 pages, Hard cover ISBN 978-1-4939-3294-8 and eBook ISBN 978-1-4939-3295-5). http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781493932948 Dov Dori, Object-Process Methodology – A Holistic Systems Paradigm, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2002 (ISBN 3-540-65471-2; Foreword by Edward Crawley. Hard cover, 453 pages, with CD-ROM). eBook version: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-56209-9/page/1

Social links

About me

Professor Dov Dori, Fellow of IEEE, INCOSE, and IAPR, is Head of the Enterprise Systems Modeling Laboratory at Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. He has intermittently been Visiting Professor at MIT, where he holds an adjunct position with the Systems Design and Management graduate program. Since 1993, when Dr. Dori invented Object-Process Methodology (OPM), he has been central to the field of Model-Based Systems Engineering. OPM is the first conceptual modeling language and methodology recognized as industry standard ISO 19450:2015. Prof. Dori has authored over 300 highly cited publications. He has supervised over 50 graduate students in Israel and USA, of whom 13 are faculty members in several countries. Prof. Dori has chaired nine international conferences. He was Associate Editor of IEEE T-PAMI and Systems Engineering, and Co-Chair of the IEEE Society on SMC, TC on Model-based Systems Engineering. His 2002 book on OPM has been cited over 600 times. His book on Model-Based Systems Engineering is the basis for this edX MOOC. His research has been funded by public and industrial sponsors, including the EU, Whirlpool, and Airbus. He has received various research and innovation awards and is a member of the Omega Alpha Association - International Honor Society for Systems Engineering.