The Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) builds learning experiences on campus and online to support excellence and innovation across educational programs at Columbia University. Working in close partnership with the Columbia teaching community and through the support of the Office of the Provost, the CTL is committed to advancing the culture of teaching and learning for professional development, curricular enhancement, and academic excellence. The CTL understands teaching as a critical practice, driven by inquiry, experimentation, reflection, and collaboration, and promotes pedagogy that is inclusive, learner-centered, and research-based. Through its programs, services, and resources, the CTL supports the purposeful use of new media and emerging technologies in the classroom and online to foster the success of Columbia’s instructors and students.
Inclusive Teaching MOOC Team:
- Alexis Aurigemma, Assistant Media Producer
- Andrew Flatgard, Senior Learning Designer
- Amanda Irvin, Director, Faculty Programs and Services
- Amanda M. Jungels, Senior Assistant Director, Faculty Programs and Services
- Emma Le Pouesard, Research and Teaching Assistant, Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Art History and Archaeology
- Stephanie Ogden, Associate Director, Media Production
- Chandani Patel, Assistant Director, Faculty Programs and Services
- Michael Tarnow, Learning Designer, Science and Engineering
The following Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning staff were involved in the production of this course:
- Vincent Aliberto, Media and Production Lead
- Andrew Corpuz, Learning Designer
- Susan Dreher, Senior Software Engineer
- Jon Hanford, Video Technical Specialist
- Suzanna Klaf, Associate Director, Faculty Programs and Services
- Zarina Mustapha, Senior Front-end Developer
- Laura Nicholas, Manager, Communications and Outreach
- Marc Raymond, Senior Designer
- Abie Sidell, Assistant Media Producer
- Melissa Wright, Associate Director, Assessment and Evaluation
Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning Leadership Council:
- Soulaymane Kachani, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, Senior Vice Dean and Professor, Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Catherine Ross, Executive Director, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning
- Michelle Hall, Director, CUIMC Programs and Services, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning
- Amanda Irvin, Director, Faculty Programs and Services, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning
- A. Maurice Matiz, Senior Director, Instructional Technologies, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning
- Mark Phillipson, Director, Graduate Student Programs and Services, Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning
- Sandesh Tuladhar, Assistant Provost of Online Education, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
A special thank you to the following Columbia University partners in diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging:
- Dennis Mitchell, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement and Senior Vice Dean for Diversity for the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine
- Anne Taylor, Senior Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Career Development, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, and John Lindenbaum Professor of Medicine at CUIMC Columbia University Irving Medical Center