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Dr. Arjaan Pellis

Lecturer Cultural Geography at Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Development sociology
  • - Geography
  • - Leisure and recreation
  • - Environmental governance
  • - Politics
  • - Nature conservation policy
  • - Policy research
  • - Political conflicts
  • - Tourism
  • - Biodiversity

Major works

Publications by dr. A (Arjaan) Pellis

Ambivalent waves: surf tourism and human-waves relations in Siberut, Mentawai Islands. Pakan, S.P. and Pellis, A. (2020). Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change

Living with Conflicts over Wolves. The Case of Redes Natural Park. Ottolini, I, De Vries, J. & Pellis, A. (2020). Society & Natural Resources

Reality effects of conflict avoidance in rewilding and ecotourism practices the case of Western Iberia. Pellis, A. (2019). Journal of Ecotourism

The Persistence of Tightly Coupled Conflicts. The Case of Loisaba, Kenya. Pellis, A. , Pas, Annemiek, Duineveld, M. (2018). Conservation and Society

Rewilding Europe as a new agent of change? Exploring the governance of an experimental discourse and practice in European nature conservation. Pellis, A. and de Jong, R. (2016). Wageningen University

Conservation tourism and landscape governance in Kenya: the interdependency of three conservation NGOs
Pellis, A. , Lamers, M.A.J., and Duim, Rene van der (2015) Journal of Ecotourism

Conflicts forever. The Path Dependencies of Tourism Conflicts; the Case of Anabeb Conservancy, Namibia
Pellis, A., Duineveld, M. Wagner, L. (2015) Tourism Encounters and Controversies - Ontological Politics of Tourism Development

About me

I am a graduate from the Erasmus School of Management (MA in Business-Society Managemen) and Wageningen University (MSc Tourism, Society and Environment and Phd in Cultural Geography). I work as a lecturer in Cultural Geography at Wageningen University.

Next to my teaching in various tourism related courses, both online and on our campus, my research focuses on the role and evolution of social conflicts in various tourism practices. I have published on various fieldwork observations related to ecotourism, natural and cultural heritage, particularly in context of Namibia, Kenya, Spain and Portugal. By observing conflicts across these cases I aim to explore how conflicts play an important role in shaping dynamic tourism landscapes.

Courses and Programs taught by Dr. Arjaan Pellis