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Argyris Kanellopoulos

Assistant Professor in Operations Research and Logistics at Wageningen University & Research

Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Agricultural economics
  • - Agricultural systems
  • - Agriculture
  • - Arable farming
  • - Biobased economy
  • - Climate change
  • - Decision making
  • - Decision models
  • - Decision support systems
  • - Economic models
  • - Farm accountancy data
  • - Farming systems
  • - Logistics
  • - Mathematics
  • - Systems analysis

Major works

Courses and Programs taught by dr. A (Argyris) Kanellopoulos

Publications by dr. A (Argyris) Kanellopoulos

Compromise programming: Non-interactive calibration of utility-based metrics
Kanellopoulos, A. ; Gerdessen, J.C. ; Claassen, G.D.H. (2015) (2015)
European Journal of Operational Research 244 (2). - p. 519 - 524

Assessing climate change and associated socio-economic scenarios for arable farming in the Netherlands: An application of benchmarking and bio-economic farm modelling
Kanellopoulos, A. ; Reidsma, P. ; Wolf, J. ; Ittersum, M.K. van (2014)
European Journal of Agronomy 52 (Part A). - p. 69 - 80

A method to select alternative agricultural activities for future-oriented land use studies
Kanellopoulos, A. ; Berentsen, P.B.M. ; Ittersum, M.K. van; Oude Lansink, A.G.J.M. (2012)
European Journal of Agronomy 40 . - p. 75 - 85

Assessing the forecasting performance of a generic Bio-Economic farm model calibrated with two different PMP variants
Kanellopoulos, A. ; Berentsen, Paul ; Heckelei, T. ; Ittersum, M.K. van; Oude Lansink, A.G.J.M. (2010)
Journal of Agricultural Economics 61 (2). - p. 274 - 294

FSSIM, a bio-economic farm model for simulating the response of EU farming systems to agricultural and environmental policies
Louhichi, K. ; Kanellopoulos, A. ; Janssen, S.J.C. ; Flichman, G. ; Blanco, M. ; Hengsdijk, H. ; Heckelei, T. ; Berentsen, P. ; Oude Lansink, A.G.J.M. ; Ittersum, M.K. van (2010)
Agricultural Systems 103 (8). - p. 585 - 597

Social links

About me

My research contributes in addressing the important question of how to design sustainable agricultural and agri-food systems that ensure supply of food, fibre and biomass and enhance agri-ecological processes within a changing socio-economic and bio-physical environment. I develop and use generic quantitative methods and decision support tools that are able to systematically evaluate the consequences of important drivers of change.

My previous and ongoing research revolves around three main topics i.e. (i) Integrated Assessment of agricultural and environmental policies, (ii) climate change and scenario studies and (iii) exploration of alternative production options in agri-food production chains.

My future research aims to span the bridge between OR models that analyse decision making in production and procurement of agricultural raw materials and decision support systems of the agri-food supply chains.