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Andrew Wentworth

UAS Subject Matter Expert at Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft System Integration (ACUASI)

Areas of expertise

  • - UAS Curriculum Development
  • - Research, Developmental, Test, and Evaluation UAS Operations
  • - Technical writing

Major works

A Comparative Analysis of Collegiate UAS Curricula (here)

Social links

About me

Mr. Wentworth has twenty-plus years of military, private industry, and academic experience in unmanned aviation. Before joining the ACUASI team in 2016, he was a UAS Developmental Flight Test Pilot for DRS technologies, and a UAS Team Leader for the United States Army. He holds a Master of Science in Unmanned Systems (MSUS) degree, from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, an FAA single engine airplane, with instrument rating, and a sUAS remote pilot certificate.