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Instructor photo

Anastasia Yang

Senior research fellow at The University of Edinburgh

Major works

Yang, A.L., Raghuram, N., Adhya, T.K., Porter, S.D., Panda, A.N., Kaushik, H., Jayaweera, A., Nissanka, S.P., Anik, A.R., Shifa, S. and Sharna, S.C. Joshi, R., Arif Watto, M., Pokharel, A., Shazly, A., Hassan, R., Bansal, S., Kanter, D., Das, S. & Jeffery, R. 2022. Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: Gaps and opportunities, Environmental Research Letters, https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac48b2

Jeffery, R., Yang, A.L., Raghuram, N., Adhya, T.K., Khaleel, Z. 2021. South Asian Regional Cooperation on Sustainable Nitrogen Management: Nitrogen Pollution in South Asia: Scientific Evidence, Current Initiatives and Policy Landscape. SANH Policy Paper, PP1: http://www.sacep.org/pdf/Reports-Technical/SANH_SACEP-Policy-report_draft-as-of-6-April-2021.pdf]

Yang, A.L., Rounsevell, M.D.A., Piorr, A., Haggett, C. Wilson, R.M. 2015. The use of spatial econometrics, stakeholder analysis and qualitative methodologies in the evaluation of rural development policy, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 17 (02), DOI: 10.1142/S1464333215500234

About me

Dr Anastasia Yang (Annie) is a senior research fellow at the University of Edinburgh based in the School of Social and Political Science and is a member of the Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes. Her interdisciplinary research interests and expertise are on policy, people and the environment, more socio-ecological systems. She is a project member of the UKRI GCRF project South Asian Nitrogen Hub (SANH) and has a co-leading role in work Package 1.1. Her role is to evaluate nitrogen relevant policies and stakeholders in South Asia to identify progress and barriers across different scales to inform future policy choices. Annie’s research has often centred on forested landscapes in the tropics and in the Scotland, she was involved in the Climate KIC ForLand project, aimed at developing and testing participatory processes to improve forest restoration, she also conducted a review of Scottish forest policy as an academic fellow with Scottish Parliament. Annie previously worked for the Centre of International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Indonesia, and the Thünen Institute of International Forestry in Hamburg as a senior scientist examining community forest values and policy approaches for improving livelihoods and sustainable tropical forest management.