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Amit Varma

Karl H. Kettelhut Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Bowen Laboratory of Large-Scale CE Research at Purdue University

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Prof. Varma has dedicated his academic and professional life to the development of innovative steel-concrete composite structures for the built infrastructure including commercial and residential buildings, and industrial structures such as nuclear power plants. He has conducted fundamental research including large-scale experimental investigations and numerical analyses to evaluate and improve the structural behavior of steel-concrete composite members, connections, and overall structural systems subjected to various extreme loading conditions including seismic, fire, blast, and missile impact loading. His research products are the basis of (and directly cited in) several AISC codes/specifications for the design of steel-concrete composite structures for building structures and safety-related nuclear facilities. These codes/specifications govern the design and construction of all steel building structures and safety-related nuclear facilities in the US and are also used/referenced extensively around the world by engineers, consultants, regulators, and building officials.