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Ali Intezari

Senior Lecturer at University of Massey

About me

Previously at The University of Queensland, Dr Ali Intezari is currently with the School of Management at Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand. His current research interests include Organizational Wisdom theory, Organizational Knowledge Culture, Decision-making, and Knowledge Management. He has been published in international journals including Decision Sciences, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Knowledge Management, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, and Journal of Management Inquiry. Dr Intezari’s body of work has attracted considerable scholarly attention and attracted attention from external stakeholders including publication (by invitation) for business magazines such as Leader to Leader (USA), the New Zealand Board of Directors Magazine, and the New Zealand Management. He is the co-author of the book, “Wisdom, Analytics and Wicked Problems: Integral decision-making in and beyond the information” (Routledge, 2018), and the co-editor of “Practical Wisdom in the Age of Technology: Insights, Issues and Questions for a New Millennium” (2017).

Courses and Programs taught by Ali Intezari