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Instructor photo

Alex Bolding

Dr. Ir. at Wageningen University & Research

Areas of expertise

  • - Geography
  • - History
  • - Irrigation and drainage
  • - Sociology
  • - Water policy
  • - Water rights
  • - Hydraulic engineering
  • - Water management

Major works

About me

Dr Alex Bolding is assistant Professor at the Water Resources Management group of the Wageningen University, the Netherlands. He was trained as an irrigation engineer and specialises in irrigation design, management and water governance, starting out in India and Bhutan, but operating mostly in southern Africa (Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa) and in the past 10 years also in North East and East Africa (Ethiopia, Tanzania).

His research and capacity building activities engage with the politics of irrigation reforms, shifts in water governance at scheme and river basin level, participatory approaches in irrigation design and management, and the drivers behind farmer-led irrigation practices.