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Instructor photo

Alain Viel

Senior Lecturer, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University

Harvard University

Areas of expertise

  • - Biochemistry
  • - Cell biology
  • - Molecular biology
  • - Biology education

Major works

Biology: How Life Works BioVisions at Harvard University:
Inner Life of the Cell
Powering the Cell: Mitochondria
Protein Packing

About me

Alain Viel is Director of Undergraduate Research and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University. He received a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology of Development from Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France (Paris VI) and did his postdoctoral work at Harvard University. He teaches research-based courses as well as courses in molecular biology and biochemistry. He is a founding member of BioVisions, a collaboration between scientists, teaching faculty, students, and multimedia professionals that focuses on science visualization. He is the co-author of the award winning animation series “The Inner Life of the Cell.”

Courses and Programs taught by Alain Viel