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Akira Chiba

Professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology

About me

Akira Chiba (S'82- M'88- SM'97- F’07) received the BS., MS. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 1983, 1985 and 1988, respectively. In 1988, he joined the Tokyo University of Science as a Research Associate in the Department of Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Science and Technology. Since 2010, he has been a Professor in the Graduate School of Science and Engineering in the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has been studying magnetically suspended bearingless ac motors, super high-speed motor drives and rare-earth-free-motors for hybrid and pure electrical vehicles. He has so far published more than 987 papers including the first book on “Magnetic bearings and bearingless drives” in 2005. He received the IEEJ Prize Paper Awards in 1998 and 2005. He also received First Prize Paper Award from the Electrical Machine Committee in the IEEE IAS in 2011. He has been served as Secretary, Vice-Chair, Vice-Chair-Chair-Elect, Chair and Past-Chair in the Motor Sub-Committee in the IEEE PES in 2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2011-2012, 2013-2014, and 2015-2016, respectively. He was a member, Chair and Past-Chair in IEEE Nikola Tesla Field Award Committee in 2009-2011, 2012-2013, and 2014, respectively. He served as Chair in IEEE-IAS Japan Chapter in 2010-2011. He has served as Chair in the Motor Committee in Japan Society of Automotive Society. He has served as a Secretary in IEEE-IAS Electric Machine Committee since 2016. He has served as a Technical Co-Chairs in IEEE IEMDC 2017. He also serves as Editor and Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and Industry Applications, respectively. He was the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Head during 2014-2016 and started this MOOC project. He is an IEEE Fellow. 千 葉 明 1983 年東京工業大学卒業。同大修士課程,博士課程卒業。工学博士。1988 年東京理科大学理工学部電気工学科嘱託助手。1992 年実験講師,1993 年講師、1997 年助教授、2004 年同学科教授。2010年4月東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科教授。この間1990 年カナダ国メモリアル大学にてNSERC(Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada)ポスドク。非接触磁気支持ベアリングレスドライブ,超高速ドライブ、レアアースフリーモータなどの研究に従事、1998年と2005年電気学術振興賞論文賞、2011年IEEE-IASのElectric Machine CommitteeのFirst Prize受賞、2015年IEEE Transaction on Enegy Conversion 論文賞受賞、984件の研究報告、“Magnetic bearings and bearingless drives”などを執筆。IEEEのPower and Energy Society のMotor Sub-Committee の2007年Secretary, 2009年 Vice Chair, 2011年Vice Chair-ChairElect, 2013年Chair, 2015年 past Chair。2009-2011年、2012-2013年、2014年にIEEE Nikola Tesla Field Award Committeeの委員、委員長、past-Chair。また、2016年からIEEEのIndustry Application Societyの電動機委員会のSecretary、ドライブ委員会の委員、2010-2011年、IEEE IASのJapan Chapter の委員長、自動車技術会モータ技術委員会委員長、IEEE IEMDC 2017 Technical Chair , 2014-2016年電気電子工学科学科長、電電MOOCを企画。IEEE Fellow、電気学会上級会員。