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Learn Laravel with online courses and programs

The Laravel PHP framework helps backend web developers build web applications. The framework provides helpful pre-existing libraries that speed up workflows. Discover how learning Laravel can help advance your career.
Learn Laravel | Introduction Image

What is the Laravel PHP framework?

Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework used by developers for application projects. PHP is a general-purpose programming language used for scripting and web development. The Laravel framework is based on model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, a software pattern emphasizing the separation between the software’s display and business logic.Footnote 1

With web frameworks, developers begin with a structure for application development, as well as a host of tools to add features and complexities. For back-end web developers, Laravel can save time, resources, and hassle. 

The Laravel methodology helps developers quickly scaffold applications and create precisely what they want using simple PHP. Developers can access Laravel’s library of pre-programmed functionality for free. Tools include authentication, HTML templating, routing, and more.Footnote 2

For web developers and those who want to begin a web developer career, learning Laravel can add to their toolset and simplify web application development projects.

Browse online courses related to Laravel

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Laravel tutorial curriculum

A basic understanding of PHP can help those interested in learning Laravel move more quickly and develop stronger applications.

An introductory Laravel course will likely cover topics such as installing the framework, the basics of an MVC architecture, and how to use web frameworks. Additional aspects of the curriculum may teach learners how to:Footnote 3

  • Create databases and migrations

  • Set up, implement, and route to controllers

  • Use environment-based configuration

  • Create, edit, and delete records

  • Deploy servers using tools like Laravel Forge

  • Create a Laravel collection for data

  • Use the Laravel Nova administration panel

Upon completion of a Laravel course, learners should have a better understanding of how to use the Laravel PHP framework to build web applications that are scalable, user-friendly, and high-quality. 

Explore Laravel developer jobs

Jobs that involve creating web applications may require or recommend knowledge of Laravel. Some job titles that might use Laravel include:

  • Back-end web developer: manages the technical construction of a website or application to ensure it’s functional. Some back-end web developer jobs may have the title PHP developer.Footnote 4

  • Application software developer: designs computer applications using frameworks and full-stack technology.

  • Software engineer: plans the scope and order of work for a project’s system and software requirements.

  • Systems software developer: creates operating systems that keep computers functioning. They may also build the interfaces that enable users to interact with a computer.Footnote 5

If you are interested in adding new skills to your resume, explore how online learning opportunities such as boot camps as well as bachelor's degree programs, and master’s degree programs can help you build the expertise and experience you need to pursue roles in this field.

How to become a Laravel developer online

Since Laravel is free and open source, there’s an abundance of tutorial information online to learn the framework.

Developers with Laravel expertise can use the framework to build and maintain a variety of web-based applications. If you’re interested in becoming a web developer, consider coding boot camp programs that teach skills related to creating websites and building functional capabilities. 

For software developer jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree, a bachelor of computer science covers a curriculum like programming languages, operating systems, and computer networks. That knowledge can be helpful when working on Laravel developer tasks.